Ozonekite – Wing FLY V1

679,00 899,00 

Der Wing FLY 1 V1 für Foiling ✅ Snowwing✅ Landboarding✅ Streetcarving✅ SUP✅ Skateboarding✅ Longboarding✅


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Clean, Simple and Lightweight

  • User friendly inflatable wing
  • Lightweight and packs small – ideal for travel
  • Compact and stable with efficient power
  • Easy set up – inflate and go

quick to set up and easy to use
We took a modern design approach for the young and rapidly evolving wing market. Keeping things clean and simple the Fly is lightweight, quick to set up and easy to use. It is designed to make learning and advancing into wing propelled sports as easy and efficient as possible. Being lightweight and packing small the Fly is also an ideal travel wing.

grab and go
The soft Power Handle layout is user friendly with one front handle and one back handle offering a range of hand position and trimming options. This simple ‘grab and go’ setup eliminates confusion multiple handle options might cause to new comers. Sheeting in on the rear Power Handle generates a solid amount of power to get you moving, which can be fully controlled into higher wind strengths.

smooth, balanced and always in control
Tacks and jibes are easy to learn as the refined sail tension and a new panel layout keeps the Fly smooth, balanced and always in control, with the perfect amount of lift when positioning the wing over your head.

low aspect and compact planform
A low aspect and compact planform reduces the tips from touching the water – a very handy feature when starting out through to riding waves.

De-Power/Surf Handle
The soft De-Power/Surf Handle on the Leading Edge makes handling the wing to and from the water easy while offering full control when riding with the wing flagged out behind you.

Fast Flow Air Valves
Fast Flow Air Valves on both the Leading Edge and Strut make inflation, deflation and packing a breeze.

precisely positioned windows
Ride safe and relaxed – precisely positioned windows help to spot others around you.

Any Board Any Surface
The Fly V1 is suitable for riding any type of board on the water that has enough volume to support your weight. In strong wind conditions and with developed skills it is possible to ride with smaller volume hydrofoil boards. On the land or snow minimal wind is required to harness the natural energy to enjoy a different feeling of propulsion

Wir bieten als besonderen Service unsere individuelle Beratung für deine speziellen Wünsche. Egal, ob du  deine bisherige Kiterange erweitern oder neu zusammensetzen wollen. Wir haben verschiedene Größen zum Testen hier ✅

Infos | +49 6251 9892843 | Mobil +49 171 8664292 | ✉  info@snowkite-odenwald.com



  • Wing Fly V1
  • Bag
  • Waist Leash

Es gibt den WASPV3  in den Farben: bitte bei der Bestellung mit angeben

  • gelb
  • emerald
  • rot

Alle anderen Farben sind gegen einen Aufpreis wechselbar.

Damit das Fahren komfortabler wird, empfehlen wir die Benutzung eines leichten Wingtrapezes.

Bitte extra dazu bestellen

Um eine Verbindung zwischen dem Wing und Trapez herzustellen benötigst Du eine Harnessline.

Vorteil der Ozone-Harnessline: Sie ist elastisch. Dadurch ist diese beim Aushängen straff und stört z.B. beim Pumpen nicht.

Bitte extra dazu bestellen





Zusätzliche Informationen

Gewicht 500 kg
Größe 500 m

Fortgeschrittene, Beginner


2.0, 3.0, 4.0, 5.0, 6.0



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